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Can Chemical Peels Make Acne Scars Worse?

Chemical peels can enhance your self-esteem while also improving the appearance of your skin. Scars, acne, and uneven skin tone may all be reduced, allowing you to feel more confident in your appearance. It’s reasonable to wonder, however, if this treatment could harm your skin because of the word “chemical.” Perhaps you’re concerned that it will make your acne scars worse. Well, read on to learn more about chemical peels, such as what they are and the effect they may have on your acne scars before scheduling an appointment.

There are three types of peels: superficial, medium, and deep. The type used during your treatment depends mostly on the severity of your skin condition as well as your overall skin sensitivity. With this being the case, it’s rather unlikely that your licensed dermatologist will recommend a chemical peel that will be harmful to you, or more specifically, make your acne scars worse.

Chemical peels remove the outer layer of skin thanks to a chemical reaction between your skin cells and the acids in the peel. This allows a smoother, untouched under layer of skin that hasn’t been harmed by acne to appear.

In other words, chemical peels actually remove acne scars, not add to them!

There are various advantages to getting a professional chemical peel for acne scars. Of course you will see a reduced appearance of your scars, but you may also find that your skin is brighter, you may have fewer wrinkles, previous dark spots are now gone, and you have a more even skin tone.

As we mentioned, professional chemical peels are effective on varying skin issues. Since the chemical solution is customized for your skin during a professional treatment, the danger of problems is reduced significantly.

What to Know About Chemical Peels

So what type of chemical peel is best for acne scars?

Light chemical peels, especially when combined with other treatments, may be sufficient to cure hyperpigmentation and smooth modest scarring. A medium peel can produce faster results than a light peel, and it only requires one treatment. For acne scars, however, deep peeling is generally not advised.

The following types of acids are considered safe and effective ingredients to use in peels that are geared toward reducing the appearance of acne scars:

Mandelic Acid

Mandelic acid can help with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation caused by acne scars, in addition to improving skin texture. This acid is better for people with a darker complexion since its delayed mode of action reduces the risk of skin discoloration. Despite the fact that it works slower than other acids, it can nevertheless produce significant results.

Lactic Acid

Lactic acid helps to lighten hyperpigmentation and create smoother skin tones. It’s a mild alpha-hydroxyl acid (AHA) that dissolves the top layer of skin to reveal new skin beneath, and it’s suitable for all skin types, including dry and sensitive skin.

Glycolic Acid

Glycolic acid is the most commonly used ingredient in chemical peels for acne scars. It can lighten skin and minimize hyperpigmentation by smoothing the skin’s surface and reducing melanin production.

Glycolic acid peels are safe for all skin types, although those with darker skin tones should avoid using them too often because excessive use can cause skin discoloration.

Well, there you have it! If you happen to be in Cincinnati, Ohio and you’re ready to get your chemical peel treatment, our experts at The Dermatology Group can do that for you. Book a consultation with us today!

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