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No Sweat! Hyperhidrosis Treatments Are Here to Help!

Every healthy human being experiences sweating. Sweating, also known as perspiration, is a natural body function that occurs when the body is overheating (whether by environmental or internal means) and needs to regulate its temperature, Yet, sometimes, that natural function cranks itself up, causing excessive sweating, or as most people call it, hyperhidrosis. If you have hyperhidrosis then you are among the 2-3% of Americans who also have the condition. But there’s no need to sweat it! (Pun intended) There are a few easy treatment options available to you to help you get hyperhidrosis under control.

1) Aluminum-chloride Antiperspirant

This is basically medical-grade deodorant for any part of your skin that experiences hyperhidrosis. This can be your armpits, your hands, your arms, your neck, etc. You apply the antiperspirant at night and wash it off in the morning. It has been known to cause skin irritation, however, so a bit of hydrocortisone creams can relieve some of the discomfort.

2) Glycopyrrolate Creams

Typically, glycopyrrolate is an oral drug that is taken to treat peptic ulcer disease, but it just so happens that it has a perspiration suppression effect, meaning it can stop excessive sweating. But instead of taking these pills, chemists have created topical creams that contain a small amount of glycopyrrolate. Simply apply the cream to the face and head and you may notice that your excessive sweating has subsided.

3) Neural Blockade

Nerve-blocking medications, or neural blockades, are prescription pills that release chemicals that can block nerves from sending signals to one another. When a person has hyperhidrosis, these medications can suppress the signals that trigger sweating. As with most medications, there are a few possible side effects like drowsiness, blurred vision, and dry mouth. Be sure to speak with your doctor before taking any medication.

4) Botox Injections

This may sound crazy, but Botox injections can successfully treat hyperhidrosis. Botox works by blocking nerves at and around the injection site. As we learned with nerve-blocking medications, the signals that are sent to trigger sweating are suppressed.

5) Antidepressants

For many people, excessive sweating is caused by events that heighten anxiety and raise blood pressure. This could be emotional stress, stage fright, or even fear of heights or the facing of any type of fear. If your hyperhidrosis is activated by anxiety and stress, antidepressants can help you get you control and minimize the chances of stressing and being anxious, thus resulting in less sweating.

6) Microwave Thermotherapy

For more severe treatment options, you and your doctor may consider microwave thermotherapy. In this procedure, microwave irradiation is heated and directed to your sweat glands. This energy destroys the glands prohibiting your body from producing sweat in that area. This is a relatively new treatment option and is therefore not widely available. It is also not covered by insurance, so this costly procedure must be paid out of pocket.

7) Surgery Removal

If all else fails, you can have the glands removed altogether with surgery. This can only be done in the armpit, however, so if you are experiencing hyperhidrosis in other parts of your body, this may not be the best option. But to be sure, speak with your doctor about what will work for you.

If you’re in the Cincinnati, Ohio area, then you’re in luck because our experts at The Dermatology Group are here to offer you advice, resources, and any treatment options you may need. Give us a call today!

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